Dream Analysis

What is it?

Dream analysis is both a therapeutic tool and a therapeutic process. As a tool, dream analysis takes the manifest content of dreams and examines it for the latent content. Manifest content is the content that is seen in a dream. Latent content is the underlying hopes and fears represented by the dream. The process of examining manifest content to identify latent content is also considered dream analysis

Dream Analysis Theory

Dream analysts believe that dreams can give insight to a person’s deepest wants and personal wounds. Those who support and practice dream analysis believe that this process may be a helpful method for assisting people to know themselves better, to uncover hidden information from regions of their mind, and to ultimately become a more whole person.

Important Practioners of dream analysis

Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud was largely the originator of psychoanalysis and dream analysis. Freud’s view of the human mind was that people store all sorts of information in their unconscious. He believed that dreams were “the royal road” to the unconscious and analysis of dreams could uncover hidden information, that once revealed, could enlighten a person and improve their functioning.

Carl Jung Carl Jung was initially a student and follower of Freud. However, he eventually separated and developed his own theories about the human psyche. He too thought that dreams could help to unlock the unconscious. However, he viewed the dreamer as the one who should interpret their dreams, rather than the therapist (in contrast to Freud, who saw the therapist as the expert).

How Does Dream Analysis work or give messages?

It is thought that dream analysis causes change by helping a person to become more connected to their unconscious. As the unknown enters the conscious level of a person’s awareness, it becomes known. This allows a person to work through and process that content, so they can improve their functioning.

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