Akashic Reading

When I first heard about the Akashic Records, my interest was immediately piqued. Mention of the Akashic Records dates back as early as the 19th century, but specific information available about the text—said to contain details of each person's past, present, and future—is very limited. So being the skeptic that I am, I sought more answers: What are the Akashic Records, really? Are they a tangible record I can read? How do I access them?

What are the Akashic Records?

When you hear the term Akashic Records, what comes to mind? When I first heard it, my first thought was of a giant filing cabinet of information. Some people think of the Akashic Records as a library, or a book. Some think of it as a database.

But according to the Records themselves, they are another dimension called the Akasha. The Akasha is a higher dimension than the dimension we live in.

I know, it’s weird. But stay with me.

In the Akasha, every thought, idea, and action from the past, present, and future is stored ad infinitum. If you’re familiar with String Theory, the Akashic Records is basically like a database of what’s happening in all the universes that are co-existing together.

The Akashic Records are basically a record of what will happen, is happening, or has happened. Because they are a higher dimension, the rules of time don’t really apply. Time is a flat circle to the Akashic Records, so information from 2,000 years ago is as accessible as what happened to you yesterday. And what happened to you yesterday is as available as what could happen to you — if you stay on the same destiny trajectory — in 10 years.

The akashic records show us potential outcomes

If you’re anything like me, the concept of The Akashic Records is intriguing. Honestly, what really got me interested in the Records was the similarities I saw between String Theory and quantum mechanics and The Records. The Many Worlds Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics states that there are parallel universes that exist side-by-side, and for every action, we take there is an infinite number of universes that co-exist at the same time, right next to us, in which we did NOT make that action.

You can read more about the Many Worlds Interpretation here, but it relates to the Akashic Records because they both tell us that there are infinite outcomes for our actions, but there is an outcome that is *most likely to happen* for every step that we take. For example, in most universes, if you throw a fork at the wall, it will hit the wall and fall to the floor. But according to Many Worlds Interpretation, there might be a universe out there in which you throw a fork at the wall, and it rebounds right back to you and pokes you in the eye. Or gets magnetized to the ceiling. Or goes right through the wall. It goes on infinitely.

Why are people skeptical about them?

Anyways, people doubt the validity of the Akashic Records for a few reasons. One reason could be because they ask the Records for an answer about the future, only to find that it doesn’t come to fruition in the way the Records described.

The thing is, we’re always in control of our own destiny. The Records just tell us what the most likely outcome is going to be based on the trajectory that we’re already on. But at any moment, we can decide to forge a new path and redirect our possible outcomes.

It’s also easy to doubt the Records because it’s WEIRD to hear messages in your head! You might write off the information that’s coming to you as your own subconscious thoughts. And you know what, that might be the truth. Honestly, who knows? You can choose to believe whatever you want.

But either way, by taking the time to tap into the Records, you’re opening yourself up to a source of knowledge that’s more potent than your conscious mind. Whether you believe that the information is coming from your highest self, or from the Akashic Records, is entirely up to you.

Are the akashic records real?

So are the Akashic Records real? In my opinion, yes.

What types of questions are best to ask?

People ask about all aspects of life—from business, career, health, family and parenting, to speaking with loved ones who have crossed over. It really depends on where the client is in their life and what clarity they are seeking. I’ve never had an occasion wherein I asked something and didn’t get a deep, meaningful (and sometimes surprising) response.

WhatHow can the Akashic Records help heal physical or emotional trauma?

That’s a great question, and a big part of my practice. Early on, I saw how within a reading, we were able to bring to light, on an intellectual level, the deep wounding that needed to be acknowledged in order to be healed. But this wasn’t addressing the energetic trauma store in our body.

Energetic trauma stored in our bodies doesn’t respond to thought in that we can’t think it away. It responds to breath, touch, and play. Breathwork can activate the natural healing process within, and I was guided to combine breathwork with the Akashic Records [in my work]. There are so many wonderful and effective forms of healing energetic trauma. I advise everyone to explore and find the ones that are right for them. Everyone deserves to be happy and whole.

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